Updated: 2012-03-30 19:03:57

It was Friday afternoon and I had promised my wife that I’d be home a little after 5pm so I could take her out for dinner. But, all of my promises went out the window when I got a call from a client who said she had a smelly dead rat in her wall [...]
Updated: 2012-03-30 19:01:10

In 1854, among the pioneers moving into the Nebraska Territory was a man named Julius Sterling Morton. He became the editor of a local newspaper called “The Nebraska City News” and in that forum, he was able to spread agricultural information and his enthusiasm for trees. There weren’t that many trees on the [...]
Updated: 2012-03-30 19:00:55

It is maple sugaring season in the Midwest and Northeast but the centuries-old tradition of tapping maple trees for sap to make syrup is being threatened by the spread of “Asian longhorned beetles”. These beetles kill maple trees and travel on infested firewood. Asian longhorned beetles are not native to the U.S. and [...]
Updated: 2012-03-30 19:00:36

Arachnophobia is the fear of spiders and is the most common of all phobias. If the sight of a spider creates fear in your heart, you are certainly not alone. In Western societies, 55% of females and 18% of males are estimated to experience arachnophobia. Besides scaring some people “half to death”, spiders [...]
Updated: 2012-03-30 19:00:24

“On behalf of the Board of Directors of Hunt Club Estates Homeowners Association, we would like to thank you for your continued service to the Association. You and your staff have always been prompt and courteous in servicing the needs of the community and we appreciate your assistance in keeping our community pest-free. [...]
Updated: 2012-03-17 17:04:26

Knowing some of the bed bugs eradication tips could be to your advantage. If by chance you get bed bugs in your home or in your clothes, you will need to know how to get rid of them.
Updated: 2012-03-17 05:05:29

If you plan to travel this summer or even over the spring break, then bed bugs prevention while traveling is going to be important for you read. Bed bugs are almost if not at at an epidemic now. Here you will find out what cities you need to be on the look out for bed bugs. So traveler beware.
Updated: 2012-03-10 18:22:00
: Pest Control Information and Facts Information about roaches , bed bugs , ants , bees , wasps , mice , rats , and creatures of all . kinds Saturday , March 10, 2012 Here comes the warm weather bugs Can't get over what a warm and mild winter we had here on the east coast , no snow to speak of and spring like days in February and March . With this nice weather comes the early emergence of our creepy friends . Ants , roaches of all kinds , bees and wasps , beetles and crickets . Now that I think of it , ants have already intruded on our window sills at work , and that was in late February . Now is the time to start a preventative approach to pest control . The granule baits are a good product to use , but even better , the gel baits are great . Give the ants the sugar they need to start the
Updated: 2012-03-09 23:12:00
Bed bug infestations have been called the perfect storm. I find this problem frustrating and fascinating at the same time. It amazes me that the roach is supposed to be able to survive a nuclear bomb, yet we can eliminate a roach infestation with a tube of caulk bait, and a bed bug infestation costs thousands of dollars in either chemical or heat treatments. Here is a quick fact for you, a single female bed bug, after mating just once, can continue to produce eggs the rest of her life without another mating. All that little bugger needs are meals. No wonder they are such an amazing bug.
Updated: 2012-03-09 20:43:00

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Updated: 2012-03-06 20:10:57
Let’s face it. Sometimes, there will be accounts or jobs that our judgments as professionals will be tested. One such example is treating a home with bed bugs and house pest infestation with tenants who are asthmatic. Asthma is a sensitive illness. It can be easily triggered by any abnormality and particles in the air. [...]
Updated: 2012-03-05 18:51:42
When attempting to control ants with chemicals, the most basic options are direct application to the mounds or a broadcast application. It must be noted, that to reduce your ant populations, you must kill the queen. So either application of chemical control must meet that objective to be considered a success. In this article we review direct and broad cast applications for ant control.